
Young Writers Society

A Broken Promise

by Claire Snoad

The Broken Promise

A diary entry by James Eaton - July 21st 1812.

I have been asked to write down the mysterious events that have unfolded this morning and the two discoveries made by myself and the people of our quite town in distant, Transylvania.

It all started when I was feeding the pigs, with my dog Rufus who was at my side as always. I heard a loud piercing howl which shattered through the placid evening air.

Rufus, without any warning ran into the woods. I was shocked by this sudden display of energy but I at once pursued, however I went with caution after all this was known as the Black Forest, as many people who went into it a night rarely returned. Many people believed that it was homed to a monster.

“Rufus, Rufus” I called, as I was walking through the woods, all the while feeling as though someone or something was watching me.

Then I heard it again that loud piercing howl, this time it ran through me like a million sharp knives. It scared me, but I had to find my dog, he had been a loyal companion to me for several years.

As I walked, sticks and twigs crackled under my feet. Every crack sent chills down my spine, I didn’t notice it but I was getting faster and faster as I walked.

I could hear Rufus in the foreground “Thank God” I thought, as I followed the barking, the feeling of being watched still hanging over me.

Yet in Rufus’s tone I knew that something couldn’t be right. I was right, as I got nearer to his barking. Standing over what looked like an old blanket was a tall dark figure, Rufus was barking ferociously at it but the figure didn’t seem to hear.

A twig cracked under my feet and in that instant the figure had turned to me, as I looked into his face I noticed that his eyes were red, those red eyes will haunt me forever, I heard Rufus bark so I turned. When I turned again the figure had gone, I looked around but it was as if he had vanished. “Where could he have gone” I thought “and so quickly”.

Rufus was sniffing at the rug, “Rufus, Rufus come here!” I commanded but he remained “Rufus now!”, but still he stayed rooted to the spot, so I walked over to him. “Rufus!” as I looked down I realised that it wasn’t an old blanket … but a body. The body of a young woman she looked no more than 20, her face was as pale as death which I knew had indeed taken her.

I ran for help as fast as I could, Rufus however remained, I ran straight to constables Gont’s house, I banged as loud as I could, desperate for help. “Murder, Murder” I cried as loud as I could. The constable opened his door demanding to know what all the commotion was about.

“Help you have to help, there’s as body, a body in the woods”.

“A body what do you mean a body” the constable asked.

“A body, the body of a girl, there’s been a murder.”

We went with great speed to the forest, myself leading the way. Rufus was still standing as I had left him. As the constable examined the body myself and Mr Johnson, the blacksmith and Master George his son looked around for clues to anyone being around. The constable confirmed that she was indeed dead.

I wasn’t sure as to whether to tell them about the figure I had seen standing over the body. We were busy searching through the bushes when George thought he could hear someone crying, we followed the sound and made the second discovery of the evening. A baby.

It was wrapped in a blanket and was as cold as ice; I picked her up while George went to get the constable. The child had obviously been there a while, and looked to be only a year old. Around her neck lay a golden cross engraved with the letter J. That poor child was now an orphan…

Newspaper Report. July 22nd 1812.


A baby girl was found in the Black Forest last night, along with her dead mother. The woman has been dead for several hours after what constables believe was an accident. The women is believed to have fallen while in the woods and died from a head injury. The sad discovery was made by Farmer James Eaton. The baby which is now in the care of Mr Eaton was found by George Johnson nearby the mother. This story continues on page 2.


20 years later

Jenan Eaton - July 22nd 1832.

I woke like always with the same dream. The dream where I was talking to a man all draped in black and shadow. This man who’s face I never could see, spoke to me in a voice that reminded me of velvet. Who is this man I ask myself and will I ever meet him. I didn’t get a chance to get deeper into my thoughts as James Eaton; my adopted father came in to say good morning before he went to work. I ate my breakfast and got dressed ready for another day.

James Eaton - July 22nd 1832

It has been 20 years today since the fateful day. Jenan woke today, she didn’t tell me but I could tell by the look on her face that she had, had another dream. In my head I had been wondering if the dreams are related to the death of her mother. But I won’t ever tell Jenan my fear. There is no point dragging up ancient history. My main fear is that she will go looking for the past. I don’t want to lose her, she is my family.

Jenan - July 22nd 1832 - later that afternoon.

It’s been an ok morning, but again I couldn’t stop thinking about my dream, there was something different about this one. In the dream I was running through the woods. When there he stood right in front of me again, the man draped in shadows. I remember his unnaturally white teeth, he smiled at me like he usually did but this time his velvet voice said something different “Jenan, follow me” I stood there and I saw myself touch his hand, it was deathly pale and as cold as ice. I woke up at that moment. Clasping at the cross round my neck I had, had it since I was a baby, it’s all I have from my mother. What can this mean? Who is this man and how can I find him.

Jenan - July 23rd

Yet again I woke from my dream, it was similar to my previous but this time I was in a silk ball gown in an elegant ball room. My mystery man was there. I had no idea where I was but I had the feeling of being in a castle. We were dancing but to no music. He said the same words as he had before but this time added “I can help you, come to me Jenan, come to me” As he bent towards me, I woke up.

This dream spooked me more than the others but I have to know who this man is. I knew that James must know something and as I told him about my dream he went white and a look of guilt ran across his face. “What is it?” I asked “You know something don’t you?” as he told me to sit down, my heart skipped a beat, he told me everything he knew about the death of my mother and how he had found me. He even showed me the diary entry of that day. Tears sped down my face and I left the room, I wasn’t angry more curious.

It was at that moment that I decided, I would seek out this man whom had visited me in my dreams. I would ask him what he wanted with me and what he knew about my mother’s death. So I packed a bag, with my cross round my neck and my bag on my back I set out for the Forrest. I may be mad but I have no other ideas to go on. I only hope that James will find it in his heart to forgive me, but I have to know…

James - July 23rd - later that day.

I knew I should have never told Jenan the truth about her mother’s death. I fear she my have run away, her diary has gone along with her cross and a few clothes. I’ve got a few men together they have been looking for her for 2 hours. “Rafas” (a descendant of Rufus) has lost her scent at the edge of her Forrest. I pray for her soul and hope that we will not be too late like we were for her mother.

Jenan - July 23rd - about 6pm

I’m writing this whilst sitting under an old oak tree, night is approaching swiftly. My head is telling me to turn back and go home, but my heart is telling me to push on, I’m scared but I know that if I don’t find him I may never find the answers that I seek. I must push on now as I need shelter for the night, I only pray that if I do find him I will be safe and that Gods grace will protect and guide me.

Jenan - July 24th

When I woke it was to the sound of a bird signing above me. Such a beautiful sound and how happy the bird seems. If only my heart could be so joyful , but until I find my answers I don’t believe my heart will ever be the same. Today I will walk through the forest searching. I hope I will find something before nightfall last night scared me and I nearly turned back, I don’t want to risk that again.

Its midday and the sun is very high and at last my hopes have gone up. As I was walking by the river I saw a castle, I had never seen it before and had no idea that it existed, then again many people wouldn’t as no one has ever come into the forest as far as this. My only obstacle is getting to it, I’ve been walking for hours and my legs hurt. I hope I can find away around the river, although I can swim doesn’t look that inviting.

Well here I am in the courtyard of the castle, my heart is telling me this is the right place. I’m scared but I know that I cannot turn back now, I’ve come to far. What if he lives here? Does he even exist? Of course he exists, how can I even question that. I hope that I am doing the right thing trusting this figure who I have only met in my dreams. The sun is setting I need to go in. God help me.

Count Vlad Dracula - July 24th Sunset.

I feel the presence of my sweet Jenan. I knew she would come when she was ready. I must tell her the truth of our heritage and of her family. Will she believe me that is the most pressing question.If my senses are correct then she will be outside the door right now. I must see her. The sun has nearly gone down then I can talk to her. I hope that she will not fear me… I will not harm her… I just hope she will understand.

Jenan- Night

The door was open. I walked into the main hall; this whole castle is dark and dreary, there is no sign of any life, is my mystery man here… I will wait here in this hall, maybe he will find me.

I didn’t have to wait long, a mere 5 minutes before the tall figure of Count Dracula walked into the room. He was smiling his charming smile and walked with such grace that he was nearly floating.

“Welcome Jenan” he said “My name is Count Vlad, welcome to my home.”

His velvet voice echoed slightly off the walls and filled my head.

“I have questions for you Count, the most pressing is, who are you and how do you know me?” I added “Not meaning to be rude, but this is hard for me”

“I understand, we have much to talk about and there is a lot for me to tell you Jenan follow me.”

Those words the same ones he used in my dream, startled me, but I was going to get answers so I cast it from my mind. I walked with him.

Count Dracula - Same night

Jenan was there just as I knew she would be standing in my hall. She looks just like the picture of her mother. If that is what her mother looked like then I understand why my uncle was attracted to her. She got right to the point no small talk. I cannot blame her, if I had been kept from the truth so long then I would want answers straight away. I will take her to her mother’s room and show her the letter that should explain everything.


There is something strange in the way the Count looks at me, as though he regards me as family, but that’s impossible. I need to know who I am and I know the Count can tell me, he is my only source of information. I hope I can trust him.

We walked for a while in silence apart from when the count pointed out a painting or rare piece of art. We stopped outside a room and the Count said

“This was my Aunts room, I believe you will find answers in here Jenan.”

I walked into the room but he didn’t follow he just looked at me and then nodded into the direction of a dressing table. I looked down to see a single letter covered in dust. The letter was smudged with what looked like tears and the ink was barley visible to read. I started to read.

My dearest Edward.

I am really sorry for all the hurt that I have caused you. You needn’t worry about that now me and our daughter must go now. What can I do, are families do not approve and our baby is out of wedlock. At least this way you can move on and find someone new and me and Jenan can make a fresh start in the village. I am sorry that my promise to you has been broken but our engagement cannot last.

I hope one day that Jenan will find you and get to know you.

I will always love you but this is for the best.

Find a new love


I reread the letter over again, but the words still remained the same, this was the secret of my parentage, my mother had left my father because of me. My heart felt as though it had been torn out and stamped on. This couldn’t be true. I had to make this right to meet my father to know.

I turned to the Count “Do you know my father, is he still alive?” tears were welling in my eyes as I spoke and my heart thundered.

“He is not, I’m sorry.” he said this softly, “But my uncle wished for us to meet, he told me that” he added with a weak smile.

My heart dropped and my tears spilled over.


As I watched her read the letter, my heart swelled and I knew that she would at last understand. But she did something unexpected she started to cry. I know that I shouldn’t have but I had to comfort her. I told her how my uncle on his deathbed had told me to find her and to tell her the truth. She listened very politely and stopped crying.

“So does that make me your cousin then?” she asked

“Yes” I told her “Out of marriage obviously, my mother was your father’s sister”

“Right, so is that the reason you tried to find me, to tell me the truth”

“I couldn’t just not tell you. I swore to my uncle that I would and I thought you had the right to now. Everyone has the right to know who they are, even it’s a sad concept.”

“No, I’m glad that you have told me, now I can move on with my life Thank you Count. I’ll leave you know.” This couldn’t be happening I didn’t want her to leave. What could I do? What could I say?

“Don’t leave, please its late and you have travelled a long way. Stay and rest”

“I couldn’t Count, I have already put you out enough. I shall disturb you no longer.”

“It would honour me if you were to stay cousin and I will hear no argument. Stay with me, we still have more to discuss. Goodnight cousin.” I left the room before she could argue.

If she stays then I can tell her more and one day maybe she will feel the love that I do towards her and I can tell her the dark secret that hovers over the Dracula family. Our curse and our love. One day the promise will be remade and history will be complete, one day…


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Fri Jun 06, 2008 3:36 pm
yelhsa211 wrote a review...

Okay! I really enjoyed this story. I think it's cool how you took the dracula story and made it your own. I'm new too. So, I've got just a little advice for ya.

As I was reading through the story, I noticed that you probably need to work on punctuation. (Don't worry! I need to, too!) Also, there weren't enough details. I was confused sometimes. And, one last thing. It is better to talk one way, If you understand my meaning. You should probably either talk old timey, or just normal. Both doesn't realy work.

Again, I love your story. Keep up the good work.

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Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:03 pm
JabberHut wrote a review...

Hello, Claire Snoad! Welcome to YWS, and I hope you've made yourself at home here. It looks like you are [or maybe you're not] aware of the review ratio. Two reviews for one post. 2:1 However, the reviews must be only so long, allowing you to give constructive criticism to the writer 'cause that's what we do! :D

Grammar and First Impressions

I'm going to skip a line-by-line, though I'm known to give them out. If you'd like me to return and give you one, I'd be happy to. :D However, to save my time and vision, I'll keep it general. ^^

I saw 1812 and immediately thought of the War of 1812. Let's see if that was intentional. :lol:

I have been asked to write down the mysterious events that have unfolded this morning and the two discoveries made by myself and the people of our quite town in distant, Transylvania.

Right off the bat! Your first sentence holds a couple points I'd like to make.

First and easiest:

Quite = Entirely, wholly, or completely.
Quiet = Making no noise or sound. :D


This did not immediately grab me; however, I understand the difficulty in writing diary entries. I can't cut it myself. :lol: However, it's still a story and must grab the reader in some way. Whether you just start with the story or an explanation, I don't know. But starting with the cliche "I am here because..." didn't do much for me.

It all started when I was feeding the pigs, with my dog Rufus who was at my side as always.

With is so special that it doesn't get a comma. Only FANBOYS do. That is: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. And they get commas only if there is an independent clause on either side of it. :) Like here:

I was shocked by this sudden display of energy but I at once pursued, however I went with caution after all this was known as the Black Forest, as many people who went into it a night rarely returned.

Well, this is a run-on, so I'll be using this again. XD But for this point, I'd like to point out the underlined portion. This entire part is a compound sentence. The word but makes it that way, as well as the independent clauses on either side of it [meaning they each can stand on their own of you so choose to make it that way]; therefore, a comma should belong in front of but to separate the independent clauses.

Also, however is a connective that can use a semicolon [I know, who uses those?] in front of it to separate it from the compound sentence in front of it. Then please edit the rest of the sentence. There is some left out punctuation which makes it hard to read. [As is not a FANBOYS, so it doesn't get a comma.] ^_^

I'm still stuck on the beginning and finding all this stuff to say. ^_^

Comma use is confusing, and it only takes some getting used to to understand their use. Commas are also used to separate extra information in a sentence. Like here:

Rufus, without any warning ran into the woods.

Without any is extra information. Take it out, and the sentence still makes sense; therefore, it should be surrounded by commas [meaning put a comma after it]. ^^

Then I heard it again that loud piercing howl, this time it ran through me like a million sharp knives.

This should be two sentences. You know why? Because commas do not -- I repeat: do not -- separate sentences. Semicolons do that, parentheses do that, dashes do that but not commas. They have too many jobs already; therefore, change that comma you have to something else. Then edit the underlined sentence. You have plenty of other punctuation marks to use. Don't always depend on the comma.

It scared me, but I had to find my dog, he had been a loyal companion to me for several years.

This is another example as to how the comma does not join sentences. This would be an instance where I, as a writer, would replace it with a dash 'cause that's my style of writing. The underlined portion sounds like aside information, but it's a complete sentence; so a comma doesn't work. A dash can work, parentheses can work, a semicolon works, and even a period works. But not a comma. :)

Yet in Rufus’s tone I knew that something couldn’t be right. I was right, as I got nearer to his barking.

While I have this up, a comma should go after tone because in is a special connective in this case, so it's entire phrase [Yet in Rufus' tone] gets a comma after it.

Also, time expressions get commas after it? It just gets really confusing in this case; I'm not going to bother pointing this out.

Now, this is on repetition. Repeating words [in this case right] is very irritating and deja vu -ish. Try to avoid this. As writers, we have a wider vocabulary [and if not, we use dictionaries and thesaurus' :lol:], and we must appear we know what we're doing. :D Plus, repetition is just irritating.

This man who’s face I never could see, spoke to me in a voice that reminded me of velvet.

Who's: Contraction of who is
Whose: Possessive form of who. :wink:

It’s been an ok morning, but again I couldn’t stop thinking about my dream, there was something different about this one.

Ok: Chatspeak
Okay: Alright, fine. :P

So I packed a bag, with my cross round my neck and my bag on my back I set out for the Forrest.

Forrest: Confederate General in the US Civil War
Forest: A woodland, land covered in trees. :D

Of course, you've done this twice now. Explain why it's capitalized, and subtly alert the reader that this is the name of the forest.

You have too many run-on sentences [which means correct your punctuation!]. Look at Dashes, Semicolons, and Ellipses for more on those punctuations. Again, short, sweet, and to the point by Snoinkus. And here is Commas by Mythic Writing. This tells the three don'ts to comma use, and I highly recommend looking at this as well.

I killed you enough in this area, though. Just review your story and edit accordingly. ^^

Dialogue and Tags

There are rules set concerning the format of dialogue. Snoink has written a fabulous article entitled Dialogue Grammar in the Knowledge Base. It's simple and straightforward. Use this as a reference to the dialogue and tag format.

“Rufus, Rufus” I called, as I was walking through the woods, all the while feeling as though someone or something was watching me.

Fix the quote, but I'd like to point out the comma behind the tag. This entire sentence has been turned into a tag. People do this, but it does not always get separated from the tag with a comma. In this instance, do not put a comma after the tag. As I've said before, as is not a FANBOYS, so there's no excuse for it. ^_^

I could hear Rufus in the foreground “Thank God” I thought, as I followed the barking, the feeling of being watched still hanging over me.

Here, you're missing a full-stop after foreground, so it threw me off. And for thoughts, writers tend to put them in italics 'cause they're easier to understand [that it's not being spoken nor narrated] and easy on the eyes.

Some use the single quotes though. 'Thank God,' he thought.

Now, the realism of your dialogue. This will go alone with:

Character Development

I... I don't even know them?

No offense, but I think I felt more for Rufus than I did James or the girl found dead or the baby or anyone. Movements, appearance, and dialogue all characterize your characters. Jenan and James both seem to think the same thing. Try to differentiate between the two.

There is something strange in the way the Count looks at me, as though he regards me as family, but that’s impossible.

Oh really? Does she always get hunches this accurate? The writer's responsible for letting the reader know little details like this so they don't sound so random and cliche like this.

Dracula [The Dracula? Are you using an already made character? Or is this just a cliche name?] seems too friendly for my taste. I would think his castle would appear a bit more frightening [If not, then tell us!], and his face would be pale and vampiric, and he'd be dressed in black, and he'd just look frightening and unwelcome. I would be frightened, but I don't know Jenan enough to know if she would be. She'd at least feel a little fear toward him.


It's broken up in countless places. Here's an example:

It’s been an ok morning, but again I couldn’t stop thinking about my dream, there was something different about this one. In the dream I was running through the woods. When there he stood right in front of me again, the man draped in shadows. I remember his unnaturally white teeth, he smiled at me like he usually did but this time his velvet voice said something different “Jenan, follow me” I stood there and I saw myself touch his hand, it was deathly pale and as cold as ice. I woke up at that moment. Clasping at the cross round my neck I had, had it since I was a baby, it’s all I have from my mother. What can this mean? Who is this man and how can I find him.

Besides the fact you could explain the dream a bit more -- and more smoothly -- you suddenly jump into her cross necklace. You can explain that later. All the reader has to know at this point is that she's holding it. Keep us curious and explain it later. Right now, we want to know about the dream and her reaction to it.

Tenses play a roll here. You switch from past tense to present tense, and that can throw the reader off too. Choose one tense and stick to it. ^_^

Grammar also helps with the flow, so look above in that area. :lol:

This can also go along with:


This dream spooked me more than the others but I have to know who this man is. I knew that James must know something and as I told him about my dream he went white and a look of guilt ran across his face. “What is it?” I asked “You know something don’t you?” as he told me to sit down, my heart skipped a beat, he told me everything he knew about the death of my mother and how he had found me. He even showed me the diary entry of that day. Tears sped down my face and I left the room, I wasn’t angry more curious.

New idea, new paragraph. New speaker, new paragraph. Too long of paragraphs scare readers away. Try this:

This dream spooked me more than the others but I have to know who this man is. I knew that James must know something and as I told him about my dream he went white and a look of guilt ran across his face.

“What is it?” I asked “You know something don’t you?”

as he told me to sit down, my heart skipped a beat, he told me everything he knew about the death of my mother and how he had found me. He even showed me the diary entry of that day. Tears sped down my face and I left the room, I wasn’t angry more curious.

Plot and the Cliche

You developed a plot at the end; that's good. We now know what your story's about; however, I have a couple issues with how it's developing.

The mysterious cold-to-the-touch stalker guy is cliche when it comes to suspense like this [even if it's in the Romance section]. Even I've tried that, and I can't make it not cliche. As long as you can make this cliche look good [not meaning to write poorly on everything else], then gopher it.

The orphan thing's been overdone too. And how did she know which way to go when she was in the forest? And does she really warm up to scary people like Dracula that quickly? She's lived with James most of her life, so why isn't she afraid?


This isn't too much of a diary entry story as it is a major switching of PoV story. I suggest sticking to one MC through the entire thing, and rarely jumping to another PoV. What you have here is a paragraph for each person, and it's really confusing and hard to follow. I assume Jenan is to be the MC anyway, so stick with her. The reader can get to know the characters much better if you don't jump around from one to the other every paragraph. Plus, it'll be easier to describe appearances, movements, etc. of the characters.

I usually stay away from the diary entries 'cause they can just get too complex.


This can use some work. Correcting the grammar will improve the majority of what I've said. Grammar and description are main keypoints of a story; the rest will suddenly appear after you've corrected those. If you have any questions, PM me. I'd be more than happy to assist!

Keep writing! :D

Jabber, the One and Only!

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Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:14 pm
tdownes wrote a review...

Whoa. This is some remarkable stuff, CLARICE *evil laugh*

Many people believed that it was homed to a monster.

Shouldn't this be ..."home to a monster", hm?

Yet again I woke from my dream: it was similar to my previous one but this time I [s]was in[/s] wore a silk ball gown and wasin an elegant ball room.

You had "in an" and "in a" in the same sentence. I corrected it above: I think it sounds better this way (I'm not saying I've corrected it to perfection, dear Clod)

When I woke it was to the sound of a bird signing above me. Such a beautiful sound and how happy the bird seems.

Er, birds don't sign... (unless they've advanced dramatically and are now developing rudimentary forms of communicating with us humans. :lol: ) - you obviously meant "singing"

Sentence structure( following above quote):
Such a beautiful sound; how happy the bird seems.

Should be like this - sounds better.

The letter was smudged with what looked like tears and the ink was barley visible to read. I started to read.

The ink was barley??
No, just kidding. :lol: We both know that's a spelling error.
Also, you put the latter of the first sentence like this:
"...and the ink was barely legible.
You have repeated "to read"s very near to each other: doing this correction will make it sound better.

and a look of guilt ran across his face.

Um, to me this doesn't sound right. 'Look of guilt' - yes, fine, but I don't think you should really use the word 'run' when talking about an expression.

Tears sped down my face

Same as above, change the word" 'sped'.
See, if you change this to present tense, it would read "Tears speed down my face". See what I mean?
Use a word like 'trickled' or 'coursed'. If you really want to emphasize that Jenan's tears are trickling fast down her cheeks, you could find a word that fits this description.

O-kay, that's my lot said. I can see more things in your great story that could be picked at, but I can't hog the critiquing limelight, now can I?
I have to agree with Lauren: in terms of vocabulary and sentence structure you've really improved. :wink:

I found that your story had a great storyline, you created valuable tension, in appropriate places, considering I found it a bit jerky.
Don't worry, I always find I get that problem when writing a short story.
I have to say you lost me partway through, but you pulled the story together quite well at the ending.
Lauren's right- you've got some great potential! :P

Thea (the insincere chicken)

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Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:47 pm
Waltz of the Flowers wrote a review...


I read the entirety of your story here and I think the plot has really great potential. If you're going for, as Lauren above me put it, a "spoof of old Gothic stories," then I think you're well on your way to achieving that! It's certainly got a good feel to it and I liked many of your choices in words and metaphors.

Of course, the grammar needs working on, particularly in your usage of commas. There were several places in which it was used unnecessarily while there were none in places that suggested a pause or transition. Also, perhaps it would make more sense if the letters/diary entries were written in a different format than the narration. It would help differentiate text from character writings.

I also was hoping for a bit more detail and dramatic metaphors/literary devices to help set the stage in my mind. At the beginning of your story, with the man and his dog, I liked a few of the ones you used - " . . . this time it ran through me like a million sharp knives" - but personally, I love embellished details and descriptions of setting, emotion, etc.

The plot itself is a good one, as aforementioned, but I was slightly confused in parts. I think you lost me a bit when you went from the man and his dog to the diary entries that took twenty years later. Maybe some clarification of time and smoother transitions could help make this easier to read.

Character-wise, I think you've got a good basis for, but I was missing a more rounded element in each of them. They certainly have potential but, as of right now, they seem a bit flat and one-sided. Of course, in short stories, it's hard to embellish upon characters but maybe a bit more traits and description could help?

Overall, though, I think this is a story with possibilities!


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158 Reviews

Points: 890
Reviews: 158

Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:51 pm
Lauren wrote a review...

Hi, Claire. I'm glad you posted. This was your coursework from last year, no?

I'm impressed, you'll be claiming-indifference-but-secretly-pleased to know. Okay, so you've still some issues with the laborious punctuation/spelling/grammar threesome, but once you detract that, I think this has great potential. The main problem, that is not in the story, and I fear will discourage others for critiquing, is that it is far too long for one posting. I did not read it all; I skimmed the last of it.
Regardless, I like it. It's punchy and quick and oddly funny. It's a bit spoofy(?) of the old Gothic novels.
Now onto the nit-picks. I just know you're going to hold a grudge tomorrow at school, teehee.


and the people of our quite town in distant

That should be quiet. I'm sure it was unintentional, m'dear.

Then I heard it again that loud piercing howl, this time it ran through me like a million sharp knives. It scared me, but I had to find my dog, he had been a loyal companion to me for several years.

I like this - it does sound like an extract from an old Gothic novel. It's not profusely detailed or brilliant (sorry) but there is a spirited and almost tongue-in-cheek tone that is enjoyable.

foreground “Thank God” I thought

foreground. "Thank God," I thought.

. “Where could he have gone” I thought “and so quickly”.

"Where could he have gone?" I thought. "And so quickly."

“Rufus now!”,
How about, "Rufus! Now!" Also, no comma on the end after you have used an explanation mark.

As the constable examined the body myself and Mr Johnson, the blacksmith and Master George his son looked around for clues to anyone being around.

TUT-TUT! How about:
As the constable examine the body, Mr Johnson - the blacksmith - Master George - his son - and I, looked around for clues that would would place anyone at the scene of the crime.

The sad discovery was made by Farmer James Eaton.

Farmer James Eaton made the sad discovery.

This man who’s

That'll be 'whose'.

I don’t want to lose her, she is my family.

I think it should be a semi-colon here, not a comma.

“Rafas” (a descendant of Rufus)

Ha, this made me chuckle. This was put in for humorous content, was it? I like it!

Over-all - yeah, Claire, you are so much better at writing than I'd thought. You've some good vocab, some fab and exciting ideas and some intriguing characters. Get your description and the punctuation/grammar/spelling under your belt and you'll be great.

Lauren x

— Carina